School is back in session, and I wanted to combine a welcome back song with identifying different school subjects. For some of my students, I provide music support specifically to address academic skills. By singing through “Back to School”, I have a fun way to outline different subjects, and then later either assess specific skills within these subject areas, or find out which subjects my students prefer. For one of my students, he selects the subject he would like to work on by choosing it on either his device, or my iPad. On my iPad, I use the app Proloquo2Go, but there are tons of awesome communication board apps out there!

I love creating slideshows for new songs and concepts I am working on with students, so below is the link to the PDF file for “Back to School”.  Also, rather than recording the song, I simply provided you with a PDF of the score.

Free Download: Back to School Slideshow

Free Download: Back to School Score

Back to School

Now, that I am back to school

And the summer’s almost through,

More to learn and more to do,

Now, that I am back to school.


Social Studies and Science,

Reading and Writing,

Spelling and Sports,

Music and Math.


Now, that I am back to school

And the summer’s almost through,

More to learn and more to do,

Now, that I am back to school.


Learn from teachers,

Play with friends,

Eat my lunch,

Back to school again.


Now, that I am back to school

And the summer’s almost through,

More to learn and more to do,

Now, that I am back to school.

Now, that I am back to school.